The original idea for a location-based reminder service came to me some 3-4 years ago. I had a strong need for it. My friends often recommended places to go, but I found I forgot them each time I went out. In fact, a friend Mo told me he had eaten one of the best meals of his life at a place called Le P’tit Laurent. But maybe because of the French name or because it is in an area I don’t normally go to, but I kept forgetting it. I needed some service that said “Yo, you’re not far from that place you wanted to try.” So, now we’ve built it.
near2there does exactly this: it saves the places you want to go to and reminds you when you are near. Now, anytime someone recommends a place, I just add it to my near2there app or click on the near2there button where I see it.
Then, when I am near-to-there, I get an alert.
Le P'tit Laurent
699 Chenery Street
San Francisco, CA